In the business of creating a site, one of the important roles is played by the choice of a name for it, in a different way, the domain. With the purchase of a domain, namely, you will have to buy it and then renew it regularly, there are the following features that you need to know about.

Choosing a domain
The domain name is unique, no two identical domains can be found. Each domain zone has its own peculiarities of domain name registration. Most often, domains in the. RU or. РФ zone are bought in our country, since these domain zones are assigned to our country.
A domain name must first of all be meaningful and memorable, and not a random set of letters and numbers. A domain can be no less than 2 characters and no more than 62. Must begin and end with a letter.
When coming up with an address for your resource, use common words. This will make it easier for visitors to remember and find your site. It is worth noting that today common words are already mostly used in domain names, so it will not be easy to do this. And in general, having come up with a domain, you need to immediately check it for availability. For this, there are corresponding free resources on the Internet.
You cannot register domains containing obscene language or words that offend the honor and dignity of citizens. In addition, a domain name cannot contain two hyphens in a row, nor can it begin or end with a hyphen. If in the name of the resource you invented there is a possibility of two-way spelling of letters, then it is better to register all possible variants. Then the user will not have to painfully remember this or that symbol and enter options into the browser search bar.
If the domain you invented is already occupied, then add words such as my, site, etc. to it. In addition, if the budget allows, you can contact the specialists who are professionally engaged in the selection of names, that is, naming.
Registering a domain
And now the name of the future resource has finally been found. After that, you should register it on the corresponding service on the Internet. For example, a domain in the. RU zone can be registered on the 101DOMAIN-REG-RF resource. This is an accredited resource.
After registering a domain, you have the right to own it for a year, then you need to renew it if further operation of the resource is planned. It is worth noting that the purchase of a domain from domain name registrars will cost 500-600 rubles. The same amount will have to be paid for its extension. This is where registrar reseller partners can help. They can register your domain for 100 rubles.
A domain can be registered for both an individual and a legal entity.