Quite often, users, including a computer and without knowing it, run a large number of programs and services that are completely unnecessary in their work. This leads to the fact that after a while the speed of the computer decreases, which manifests itself in its periodic or complete "freezing". The latter is due to the fact that free RAM runs out, and the system is forced to access the paging file on the hard disk used to store parts of programs and data files that do not fit in RAM. In order to avoid such troubles, it is enough to follow some rules and use special utilities.

Step 1
First of all, you need to make sure that the interruptions in work are related precisely to a lack of RAM. The easiest way is to call the task manager and look at the amount of memory allocated. When the amount of allocated memory exceeds the size of your computer's RAM, the system uses the paging file. If you are a fairly advanced user, you can go to the "Processes" tab and sort them by the size of the occupied memory. Unused processes can be stopped. At the same time, you must be sure that the completion of the process will not lead to malfunctions in the computer. The above method of clearing the RAM is only operational, the results will be saved at most until the computer is restarted.

Step 2
If you need to clean the RAM all the time, you can use the msconfig utility (Start-> Run). With it, you can stop unnecessary services, remove some programs from startup and save the system changes made. Again, be careful and careful - such a shutdown of services or running programs can also lead to unpleasant crashes.

Step 3
Finally, the easiest way to avoid running out of memory is to use special programs to clean the RAM and keep it in working order. For example, "RAM Saver Pro" is a tool for professional monitoring, cleaning and optimization of RAM. Serves to improve the performance of the operating system by freeing RAM from drivers and MS Windows processes for applications that require maximum CPU and RAM. In addition, there is also "MaxRAMFree" - a program for cleaning RAM. The utility can automatically clear the RAM after a certain time for a specified number of megabytes, and for this there are two options at once that can work together or defragment memory when a certain load threshold is reached. "MaxRAMFree" places its icon in the system tray (area on the Windows OS taskbar), from where you can also start the process of clearing the RAM to one of the set levels.