The command line is available in all versions of the Windows operating system. With its help, you can run programs, services, diagnose the computer and its individual components. In fact, few people use it, considering it a relic of the past. But sometimes you can run a program only from the command line, for example, if your computer is infected with a virus.

Computer with Windows OS
Step 1
Click Start. Select All Programs, then Standard Programs. Standard programs have a command line line. Click on it, and the command line will run on behalf of the current user. If you are a computer administrator, then at the top of the command line there will be an inscription "Administrator". If you are not an administrator, or your account does not have administrator rights, then some commands will not be available to you.
Step 2
To open the program from the command line, you need to write the full path to the executable file in it. The executable file is located in the root folder of the program and has the Exe extension. Typically, the full or partial name of the program is written first, followed by the extension. This is the executable file. Enter "/" after each directory.
Step 3
For example, the program you need is located on the C drive in the Program Files folder. Therefore, write this path: C / Program Files / name of the root folder of the program / name of the executable file. Then press Enter. In a second, the program will be launched. Characters must be entered accurately. If you enter at least one character incorrectly, then instead of opening the program, a notification will appear in the command line: "This is not an internal or external command, an executable program or a batch file." In this case, carefully check the address you have provided.
Step 4
You can use the command line help for more information. To do this, at the command prompt, type Help and press the Enter key. In a second, help will be launched in the window, with the help of which you can familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the command line.
Step 5
To find out information about a command, you need to add /? At the end, for example, Cmd / ?. After that, you will receive detailed information about the team you are interested in. The command line can be closed by typing Exit or by simply closing the window with the mouse.