Even when working on modern operating systems, skilled users do not hesitate to use the command line. Once you learn how to use it, you will be able to perform many operations much faster than through the graphical menu system.

Step 1
If you are using DOS operating system of any version and any manufacturer, to execute the command in the command line, simply close the application that is currently running. Some programs, for example, file managers Norton Commander, Volkov Commander, DOS Navigator, allow you to execute commands without closing the application. If you want to automatically run a sequence of commands, open any text-only editor, and then type that sequence, placing each of these commands on a new line. Save the text to a file with the BAT extension. Launch it and it will start running automatically. If there are two files in the same folder with the same name, but one of them has a COM or EXE extension, and the second has a BAT extension, when you enter a file name without an extension, the latter will start executing.
Step 2
In Windows 95 or Windows 98, there are two ways to start the command line. To use the first of these, restart the machine in MS-DOS emulation mode. To use the second method, press the "Start" key, select "Run" from the menu, and then enter the line command. In the second case, you won't lose multitasking.
Step 3
In operating systems of the Windows family starting from NT, the first of the above methods of switching to the command line does not work. Use only the second one, but instead of command type cmd. Please note that in any version of Windows you can create and run BAT files in the same way as in DOS.
Step 4
In the Linux operating system, there are two ways to exit to the command line. To use the first one, press the Ctrl, alt="Image" and Fn keys at the same time, where n is the console number (from 2 to 4). Applications launched in the GUI will continue to run. If necessary, enter your username and password. To return to the graphical interface, press alt="Image" and Fn, where n is 5 or 7, depending on the distribution. To do the same, to use the second method, start any console emulator (for example, xterm or Konsole).
Step 5
On Linux, you can also create and run batch batch files. Save them without any extension. Before running such files, make them runable with the following command:
chmod 755./filename
To run the file, enter another command:
./File name
Step 6
Regardless of the operating system used and the method of entering commands, after typing each of them, press the Enter key. The old name for this key may appear in Linux documentation - Return.