Unfortunately, modern computer technology is becoming obsolete rather quickly. Well, after buying a new PC, I want to compensate for some of its cost by selling the old hardware. However, some preparation must be done before handing over the computer to the new owner.

Imagine, you have found a buyer for your old computer or laptop, or you give the equipment to your friends who need it more than you do. What should be done before the vehicle changes its owner?
The best thing, of course, is to format the hard drive and install a clean OS on it. However, if you do not know how to do this, and you really do not want to incur additional costs for the work of a specialist, you should do the following:
1. Delete personal information from your PC hard drive.
Save all personal files to a flash drive or external hard drive, and delete them from your computer. Pay special attention to the fact that files with saved passwords and logins from the services you need (mail sites, government services, payment data of electronic wallets and cards), as well as photographs, scans of documents, are not left on the old computer.
2. Delete your browsing history from your browser.
3. Uninstall the software you purchased separately. Do not forget to deactivate the licenses on this PC before uninstalling the purchased software, otherwise you may experience problems using such programs on your new computer.
4. Install a system cleaner program (for example, CCleaner) and "walk" it through the hard disk and registry.
5. Make sure that the computer you are selling is free of visible dirt (if so, be sure to remove it), and that it is turned on and off properly.