Chinese online stores offer customers a wide variety of products, including clones of modern phones. Choosing such a product, the buyer, of course, risks a lot, but this option often helps to save a considerable amount.

Benefits of buying a phone from a Chinese online store
Speaking about the advantages of this option, it is worth mentioning the price first. In China, you can order copies of modern expensive smartphones 2-3 times cheaper, even taking into account the cost of delivery. Even products from the most expensive brands, which are available only to a select circle of buyers, are copied and sold at a very attractive price.
If you have studied the assortment of an online store well, read reviews about it and even ordered something from electronics, you have a great chance to buy a really high-quality copy. Its price will be higher than that of less reliable counterfeits, but it will still remain affordable. In this case, you will be able to use a reliable, durable, truly convenient device. To avoid mistakes, you can use a simple secret: read reviews written in Russian and left on the page of a specific product. Pay attention to the essence, not the rating and number of stars.
Why you shouldn't buy a phone from a Chinese online store
The chances that you are lucky to buy a really high-quality mobile phone are much lower than if you give preference to the original sold in a good store. There is a risk that you will have to personally check the quality of 3-4 ordered models before you find a suitable one, which means that you will have to pay 3-4 times for a pig in a poke. Please note that many online retailers are reluctant to accept returns and you will have to pay shipping fees. Remember also that sending a mobile phone to China is often very difficult due to the list of postal restrictions.
Almost never phones sold in Chinese online stores have the same functionality as the original. In the worst case, the difference is great: for example, there is no front camera, the battery capacity is much lower than that of the branded model, and some built-in programs are missing. At best, the difference is negligible and not particularly noticeable.
The Chinese are happy to trade with the Russians, so most of the mobile phones sold in China's online stores are supplemented with the translation of all words and phrases into Russian. Another thing is that this translation often turns out to be of poor quality. Alas, often buyers have to modify the device themselves or entrust this matter to a specialist - of course, for an additional fee.