According to the latest research, about 20% of computer users suffer from cyber addiction. They spend hours wandering aimlessly across the Internet, endlessly checking e-mail, constantly finding themselves more and more new things to do: read a book, edit a photo, download a movie, play games. If you begin to notice that you are annoyed when loved ones distract you from the computer or are timidly trying to win a place for themselves, it's time to take action.

Step 1
Time the beginning of the fight against hours of vigil in front of the computer screen with a vacation or weekend. Plan a trip to the resort or the forest, to the country house, to visit your friends. Don't take your laptop with you. Spend at least part of the weekend outside the house - go to the movies with your family, arrange gatherings with friends at the dacha. It is important to remember that communication is not limited to the exchange of short messages on social networks. A full-fledged relationship is possible only with real meetings and spending time together.
Step 2
Set aside a specific time to work on your computer. For example, in the evening from 21 to 23 hours. This is enough to check email, read news, chat on social networks.
Step 3
Use special programs that block access to your computer after a certain period of time. This will help you plan your time correctly and have time to do all your household chores.
Step 4
Analyze what exactly you spend time sitting at the computer for hours. If watching movies - watching movies on a TV screen (using a player), communicating on social networks and on forums - ask yourself what this communication really gives you?
Step 5
Get an e-book if you read a lot from a computer monitor. The flickering of the liquid crystal screen is bad for the eyes, and the e-book will allow you to tear yourself away from the computer and preserve your eyesight.
Step 6
Gradually reduce the time spent in front of the computer screen. Strictly adhere to operating limits. Sleep disturbances, headaches, and pain in the wrist (carpal tunnel syndrome) signal that it is time for you to reduce your workload by taking a break from the computer.
Step 7
See a psychologist or psychotherapist if you cannot change control of your behavior on your own. A specialist will help analyze the causes of cyber addiction and suggest how to get out of this situation. Remember that although the computer opens the world to us, and above all the informational world, the real and real world is not in the computer window, but outside the window of your room.