A hard disk is a storage medium on which the computer's operating system and software are installed. Therefore, if a hard disk with an operating system breaks down, the computer loses its functionality.

Computer hard drives (HDDs) have a warranty period of 36 months, but sometimes drives fail a couple of months after purchase. In some cases, malfunctions are easily eliminated, and all information on the media can be restored. And there are times when the breakdown is irreparable.
Hard drive malfunctions
All HDD faults can be divided into two categories: software and hardware (mechanical). In the first case, malfunctions can usually be eliminated at home using specialized software. And in the second case, you must contact the service or warranty department of the store (if you have a valid warranty card).
Most common causes of malfunctions
As for hardware failures, they can be the result of a violation of the operating conditions of the disk and the computer as a whole. For example, the computer should not be placed in hot and humid rooms, it should not be placed next to heating devices. Hard drives are "afraid" of shocks and vibrations, so they must be fixed in the case of the system unit. When removing or installing a hard drive in the case, you must be careful not to drop the drive, since it may fail from hitting the floor and other surfaces.
Mechanical damage can be caused by a sudden power outage or a sudden voltage drop in the power grid. Therefore, the use of uninterruptible power supplies (uninterruptible power supplies) can extend the life of the hard drive. With a power surge, the hard drive heads can damage the surface of the magnetic disk, on which information is written.
Software malfunctions also often arise through the fault of the user, most often they are caused by experiments with a breakdown of logical partitions. They can also be caused by some kind of computer virus. To avoid software glitches in the hard drive, it is recommended that you do not turn off your computer by such methods as pressing the power button on the case and pulling the power cord out of the outlet. This can lead not only to software failures, but also to mechanical damage.
It also happens that the carrier has a manufacturing defect. Therefore, some of its parts fail prematurely. If you hear clicks or crackles during operation of the disc, then it is better to immediately take it to the warranty department. In such a situation, you should not wait for the disk to stop working. If this is a defective copy, then after examination you will probably be given a serviceable new disk.