Repair of motherboards of computers and laptops today constitutes a significant part of the services of service centers. This is due to the design features of the device of such boards, assembled according to the scheme, when a processor, a video card and other important elements of the system are integrated on one board. In some cases, preventive maintenance and minor repairs to the motherboard can be carried out independently, armed with a soldering iron.

- - multimeter;
- - oscilloscope;
- - side cutters;
- - pliers;
- - tweezers;
- - a small screwdriver;
- - soldering iron (soldering station);
- - solder;
- - flux.
Step 1
If one of the components of the motherboard malfunctions, it usually does not make sense to completely replace it. In this case, repair it with the replacement of the faulty element. In some cases, however, the repair may be more expensive than replacing the board. Only qualified service specialists can professionally determine how big the problem is.
Step 2
Disassemble the device and clean the motherboard from dirt. To do this, use a special liquid (solvent, alcohol or acetone). Cleaning itself can reduce the potential for short circuits.
Step 3
Carefully inspect the board components and connections between them. Check the integrity of the leads and closely spaced printed conductors. To facilitate checking, highlight the board from the side opposite to the printed board pattern. This will help detect shorts and breaks in conductors. Carefully eliminate the noted faults by restoring contact with a soldering iron.
Step 4
In addition to parts that are installed directly on the board, the circuit can contain parts that are connected from the outside (for example, variable resistors). Also carefully inspect them, and if there is visual damage, unsolder them from the board and replace them with serviceable ones.
Step 5
To ensure that the connections you made are correct, check the assembled components against the external wiring diagram that is included with the assembly manual. Pay particular attention to power supply circuits.
Step 6
Be sure to check the elements that you re-solder into the board before connecting. Use a multimeter (tester) for this. They can test resistors as well as capacitors. Make sure the replacement parts are of the original type and rating.
Step 7
When soldering the motherboard, you will have to face the problem of the "third hand", which is often not enough to hold the parts to be connected. For this purpose, use a convenient miniature crocodile clip, having previously secured it to the stand. Clamp one of the parts to be soldered in the device, and hold the other with your hand or tweezers.
Step 8
To extend the life of the repaired board, press a transparent plastic wrap onto it. Before this, wipe the getinax with mineral oil, put a film on it, then place the diagram with the pattern down and cover it all with a sheet of paper. Heat the entire structure with a hot iron until the sheet turns light brown.