When you are working at a laptop and the screen suddenly goes out, and the computer itself turns off, you need to understand the reasons and decide what to do if it breaks down. Let's consider the main reasons for the breakdown.

If the laptop does not turn on, then this may be due to the fact that the microcircuit of the south and north bridges is out of order. The main reason for such consequences is shock or overheating.
If your laptop has a cracked monitor, then the matrix is also broken. It must be replaced, but it is a delicate job and should only be done by a professional.
The reason that laptop disks are not readable may be that the drive head unit is worn out or dust or dirt has got into the drive.
Does the laptop not turn on at all or does it turn itself off? Most likely, the cooling system is clogged.
If you turn on the laptop, and the picture does not appear, then this problem may have several reasons:
1. Inverter problems.
2. The video card could be out of order.
3. The matrix may have broken.
4. The train is cut off.
If the keys on the laptop keyboard do not print or fly off, then either repair or replacement of buttons will help. The power socket has fallen off or it is still wobbling - in this case, only a laptop repair service center will help. If you delay the repair in this case, the motherboard may burn out. Such repairs will be much more expensive than putting the nest back.
Breakage can happen to anyone: they didn't notice, they didn't see, they accidentally spilled liquid on the laptop. This is a serious problem and should be contacted as soon as possible. You must first disconnect the laptop from the power supply and remove the battery.
Thus, there are many reasons for laptop breakdowns, each has its own characteristics, and, probably, it is easier not to repair yourself, but to contact a competent specialist.