Many personal computer users who seriously work with text documents will definitely find it useful to know how to remove footnotes in a Word.
How to remove footnotes in a Word
Microsoft Word text editor, "Delete" key
Step 1
Start any version of the Word text editor that comes with the standard Microsoft Office package. At the bottom of the document page, you will see a thin horizontal line followed by the footnotes in order. Each footnote has its own serial number or other symbol. The same sign is present in the text, and is located at the end of the word or sentence to which this footnote refers.
Step 2
In order to remove footnotes in the Word, place the mouse cursor directly in front of the footnote icon, which is in the text of the document itself. Press the "Delete" key. After that, the footnote mark will disappear from the text. Together with it, the text of the footnote itself under the line, at the bottom of the page, will also be deleted.
When preparing various reports, term papers, diploma theses, scientific papers, it becomes necessary to put footnotes. The Microsoft Word text editor gives its users this opportunity. How to make a regular footnote A person encounters an ordinary footnote when, while reading a book, he sees a thin line at the end of the page, and below it in small print, text marked with numbers, asterisks, lowercase Latin letter "
If there is text in the document that needs additional explanations, then it is marked with a numbered link, by which the corresponding explanation can be found at the bottom of the page. Such explanations are commonly referred to as “footnotes,” as opposed to “endnotes,” which are placed at the end of the document rather than on the current page
When writing term papers, diploma theses, as well as other scientific works, it is mandatory to add references to the literature that was used. Modern text editors support automatic footnotes. Necessary - computer; - installed program Word
A footnote is a way of formatting and clarifying information given in the main text. In it, you can indicate the historical, scientific, political or other justification for a particular statement, position, event. Text editors allow you to design two types of footnotes - at the end of the page and at the end of the document
When citing author's works and other literary sources, it is very important to know how to put footnotes in a text editor professionally, in accordance with the accepted standards for the design of such official documents and publications as an abstract, term and thesis, dissertation, books, periodicals