Everyone knows that when buying a video card in a store, we can count on a certain period of time, during which we have the opportunity to return the video card under warranty, if any problems suddenly appear. But what if you buy a video card hand-held? Then it becomes problematic to return a new acquisition. Following the instructions below will, to a certain extent, help you avoid some troubles.

FurMark program
Step 1
There are many programs for testing computer hardware. But they all differ in the quality of the results. The FurMark program has earned a certain reputation, and many experienced testers use it. When testing with this program, you need to twist the donut until the temperature graph comes out to a flat area.
Step 2
Accordingly, if no artifacts were revealed during testing and there were no freezes, we can say with some certainty that the stability of the video card is normal. True, as you understand, this confidence cannot be one hundred percent.
Step 3
It is better to test the memory of the video adapter separately, as an additional check. The VMT program is suitable for this test. In general, the more tests, the more confidence you can say how good the purchased video card is.
Step 4
The stability of the video card depends on the temperature to which it heats up during operation. For video cards located in the lower and middle categories, the temperature is considered normal within 80 ° C. For so-called elite adapters, this bar rises a few more degrees. In any case, exceeding the 90 ° C mark is considered abnormal. The only exceptions are very powerful graphics accelerators. Naturally, a video card is considered powerful only for the current time. Over time, everything becomes obsolete, and it's safe to say that this video card will not be considered powerful.