Inkjet printers have become widespread due to their low cost and the ability to produce color images at home. However, cartridges are quite expensive for them, and their resource is not so great.

In addition, the ink nozzles of a cartridge have a tendency to become clogged with drying ink if the printer is not used for a long time. Nozzles are a high-tech product with geometrical dimensions verified to microns, and unprofessional intervention can lead to the impossibility of obtaining high-quality images using this cartridge, however, with due diligence, restoration at home is quite possible.
So, if the printer prints with gaps, or the colors of the printed image are distorted, then you need to restore the cartridge.
The main method of recovery is to dissolve in one way or another the dried ink accumulations in the nozzles. Depending on the type of cartridge and, accordingly, the type of ink used in it, the composition of the solvent may also vary.
If it is necessary to restore the color HP cartridge, then the optimal composition of the solution is 80% distilled water, 10% alcohol and 10% vinegar essence. The resulting solution will be acidic.
A neutral solution containing 80% distilled water, 10% alcohol and 10% glycerin can be used for cartridges of any manufacturer.
Alkaline solution: 70% distilled water, 10% alcohol, 10% glycerin, 10% ammonia - optimal for Epson products.
Do not be afraid to experiment - if one of the solutions does not give the desired results, try another, it may work better.
The recovery process itself is also simple. It is necessary to prepare the selected solution and wet the napkin abundantly with it. Install the remanufactured cartridge so that the nozzles are in contact with the napkin. If the cartridge is already empty, it can be filled with solution or completely immersed in the solution for up to 3 days. After the dissolution of dried ink residues is complete, arm with a rubber-tipped syringe and blow the nozzles in both directions. You need to blow carefully, and, as a rule, the patency of the nozzles will be successfully restored.
With Epson cartridges, you should do a little differently: make a small sponge out of a napkin or a piece of cloth moistened with a solution, and place it on the parking space in the printer, and then park the cartridge. After a sufficient time (about 10 hours), you can check the functionality of the cartridge.
If the nozzles are mechanically damaged, the electronics of the cartridge are damaged, or the sealing of the ink tank is broken (cracks, damage), there is a blockage with foreign substances and materials - such a cartridge cannot be restored.