Russian and international organizations provide grants for the implementation of various social programs. But in order to get these funds, you need a justification, that is, a social program. It must be relevant. An organization or an initiative group can apply for a grant, as well as anyone who has interesting ideas in the field of social policy.

- - developments of activities;
- - list of organizers;
- - approximate cost estimate;
- - a computer with a text editor and Internet access.
Step 1
Come up with a name for your social program. It should be short but bright. It should simultaneously reflect the purpose of the program and attract attention. Briefly describe the history of the program. Tell us why you came up with the idea to work in this direction. Indicate the activities that you have already carried out and what results have been achieved. Do not forget about those who helped you organize these events.
Step 2
Introduce the authors of the program. If you started working on it collectively, first name those who own the idea and the people who contributed the most. Tell us about people who intend to participate in the implementation of the program in the future. Define the functions of each. You can draw up schemes for the interaction of program participants. Tell us which organizations you intend to cooperate with.
Step 3
Start the main part of the program with a preamble. Pay attention to the relevance of your program. State its essence in a few sentences. Define the problematic. Write down how your program differs from other projects in the same field of activity. Define your target audience. This is the population group that will benefit from the implementation of your ideas. These can be teenagers, socially unprotected families, older people and other categories of citizens. Those who will organize events according to your program do not need to be indicated in this part. You rely on your program not on yourself and your associates, but on other people, whose interests you are protecting in this case.
Step 4
Make a list of social problems that your social program is designed to solve. For example, it can be the fight against child neglect, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the organization of safe leisure time for children, the fight against negative phenomena in the youth environment, etc. The program is hardly focused on solving one problem. You will most likely be working on multiple fronts, so prioritize.
Step 5
A very important point is the definition of the mission of the program. Any project contributes to the solution of some very large social problem. However, it is just a step in the right direction. Define this big social challenge. It is more general than the tasks of a single program. For example, if you are going to host a series of family competitions in your neighborhood, the mission here is to promote public health. Your program cannot fulfill it, but it does contribute to the overall goal.
Step 6
Determine the intended outcome. For example, if you are organizing safe leisure activities for children in your neighborhood, the goal will not be to teach them outdoor games and board games, but to draw the attention of adults to how children relax.
Step 7
Break the program into stages. Give a name to each period. Determine its terms and tasks that you are going to solve at this stage. This point is very important because it allows you to work purposefully and gradually.
Step 8
Think about what resources you have for the implementation of the social program and what else you will need. Make a cost estimate for the program as a whole and for each step. Explain how you intend to control the results of the program and the use of funds.