How To Set Up Bots In The CS

How To Set Up Bots In The CS
How To Set Up Bots In The CS

Table of contents:


To play Counter-Strike without an active Internet connection, you need an additional program. Its use allows you to add virtual opponents that are designed to replace real players.

How to set up bots in the CS
How to set up bots in the CS


  • - Counter-Strike;
  • - archive with bots.


Step 1

Choose the version of bots that is suitable for the installed patch of the Counter-Strike game. There are several of the most popular program types: RealBot, PodBot, and ZBot. All of them are distributed free of charge. Read the annotation for the utilities and select the program that suits you.

Step 2

Download the bots installation files. Install the archiver program to be able to extract the downloaded files from the archive. You can also use Total Commander or Unreal Commander utilities. Create a new folder on your hard drive. Copy the files contained in the archive into it.

Step 3

Move the unpacked files to the Counter-Strike directory. Check in advance which version of the game you are using. When working with a non-Steam patch, you need to copy the bots to the cstrke folder. It is located in the root directory of the game.

Step 4

If you are using the original Steam version of Counter-Strike, open the folder where the game was installed. Go to the steamapps directory and open the folder named after your Steam nickname. Select Counter-Strike game and open cstrike directory Now move the files unpacked from the archive into it.

Step 5

Start the game and create a new game server. To do this, open the New Game menu and fill out the proposed form. Click the Start button. After loading a new map, press the H key and in the menu that appears, go to the Bot item. Specify the "Add bots" option and select the team to which the new player will join.

Step 6

If you prefer to use the console, enter bot_add_t or bot_add_ct. To change the difficulty level of opponents, use the bot_difficulty command. Specify a value between 0 and 100 for it.
