How To Install The Music Plugin

How To Install The Music Plugin
How To Install The Music Plugin

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Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine game servers that do not play music at the end of each round. In the event that the user has decided to install the musical ending of the round on his own server, he will need to install additional plugins for this.

How to install the music plugin
How to install the music plugin


Plugin RoundEndSound


Step 1

Install and configure the RoundEndSound plugin. Currently, the latest version of the plugin is version 2.3.9, it can be downloaded from most specialized servers. The plugin can only work together with SourceMod, therefore, the presence of the SourceMod installed on the server is required.

Step 2

Unpack the plugin after uploading it to the orangebox directory, cstrike subdirectory of the custom server. This completes the plug-in installation process, now you need to configure it and add your own music files. Create a directory - for example, named misc - to add music files and configure the plugin. It is necessary to create a directory in the orangebox directory, cstrike subdirectory, sound section of the custom server. The maximum number of installed sounds is one hundred files.

Step 3

Set the paths to the recorded sound files by opening the res_list.cfg file in the orangebox directory, cstrike subdirectory, addons section, sourcemod_configs subsection, and add the following lines to it: misc / trek1.mp3 = T; misc / trek2.mp3 = CT; misc /trek3.mp3=CT and so on. misc is the name of the directory with music files, trek1 is the name of music files, mp3 is the file format (besides it,.wav files are also allowed).

Step 4

Configuring the plugin is the last thing to do. The configuration is done in the RoundEndSound.cfg file in the orangebox directory, cstrike subdirectory, cfg section, sourcemod subsection. In this file, configuration is at the discretion of the user.

Step 5

How often messages will be displayed in seconds is determined by the sm_res_announceevery parameter "0", where "0" is to disable the parameter. The default will be "120". Whether the audio message will be enabled or disabled at the end of the round is determined by the sm_res_enable parameter "1", where "1" is the enabling of the parameter. The default will be "1".

Step 6

Whether the announcement will be made to connected players in twenty seconds is determined by the sm_res_playerconnectannounce parameter "0", where "0" is to disable the parameter. The default will be "0". Whether an announcement will be made at the end of each round is determined by the sm_res_roundendannounce parameter "0", where "0" is to disable the parameter. The default will be "1".
