Almost every Internet user has Internet mail now. It is often difficult to log into your mail due to the fact that a person simply forgets his password or the mail turns out to be hacked. There may be important letters in the mail, so you need to get to your mail somehow.
Step 1
First, find or remember your username, that is, the name of the mailbox.
Step 2
Then go to your mail server website.
Step 3
In the login and password entry window, find the "Forgot your password?" and left-click on it once.
Step 4
This will open the password reminder page. This page should contain a login entry line.
Step 5
Enter your username and click "Next" or "Step 2" (depending on the specific mail server).
Step 6
Further, two options are possible.
The first is to set a new password after answering the security question. This question and the answer to it were chosen by you earlier when registering a mailbox. Thus, after answering this question, you will be prompted to set a new password for the mailbox.
The second option is to remind the password through another mailbox or cell phone. When registering on most servers, you can associate your mailbox with another (even located on another mail server) or with your mobile phone number. Thus, all you need to do to get your old password is to enter a spare associated mailbox or the phone number you provided during registration. The password is usually answered instantly.