How To Open A Port Remotely

How To Open A Port Remotely
How To Open A Port Remotely

Table of contents:


Remote opening of a port in the Microsoft Windows operating system can be performed using a specialized utility Netsh designed to configure network parameters.

How to open a port remotely
How to open a port remotely


Step 1

Call the main menu of the Microsoft Windows operating system by clicking the "Start" button to perform the operation of opening the required port remotely and enter the cmd value in the text field of the search bar.

Step 2

Confirm the command execution by clicking the "Find" button and call the context menu of the found "Command Line" element by right-clicking.

Step 3

Specify Run as Administrator and enter netsh (for Windows OS prior to XP) or netsh advfirewall (for Windows OS Vista or higher) in the command interpreter text box.

Step 4

Use the following syntax to execute the port open procedure: netsh advfirewall firewalladd rule name = application_namedir = in action = allowprotocol = TCP localport = portnumber Confirm the command by pressing the Enter function key.

Step 5

Remember that the procedure for remotely opening the required port implies a preliminary connection to the selected computer. To do this, you must log on to the computer with the administrator account on the remote computer and enter the value netsh advfirewall set machine win2008-2 (example for Windows Server 2008) in the text box of the Command Prompt tool. After that, you need to confirm the execution of the connection command by pressing the function key Enter.

Step 6

Determine the current configuration of the IP address, gateway, subnet mask, and DNS server by entering netsg interface ip show config in the command interpreter text box and press the Enter function key to confirm the command.

Step 7

Use the option to enable or disable Windows firewall by entering netsh advfirewall set currentprofile state on or netsh advfirewall set currentprofile state off and confirm your choice by pressing the Enter function key.
