Microsoft Windows is the world's most widely used operating system and the first to feature a graphical management interface. According to statistics for 2013, Windows is used on 90% of existing personal computers.

Personal computer in every home
Windows was originally designed as a graphical add-on to the MS-DOS operating system. The first personal computers from IBM were controlled by the MS-DOS operating system developed by Microsoft. This system was a fairly effective tool for computer control, but difficult to learn, requiring certain knowledge, and therefore needed to be simplified.
When IBM ordered software from Microsoft for the first personal computer, Gates went for a trick - he bought an off-the-shelf QDOS system for $ 50,000, renamed it MS-DOS, and sold it to IBM.
This was well understood at Microsoft, which set itself a global task - to provide any user with a convenient personal computer. Therefore, in the period from 1981 to 1983. the company was actively working on the creation of the first version of the operating system, which was innovative at that time, which was codenamed Interface Manager.
Windows 1.0
Officially, the appearance of a new platform, which in the final version was called windows (windows), was announced in 1983. Many skeptics did not appreciate the convenience and far-reaching prospects of the new operating system and called it a “bloated software product”. As you know, the further history of the product development showed that the criticism was completely in vain. These statements did not seriously affect the plans of Microsoft, which two years after the official introduction of Windows to the general public released its new software product called Windows 1.0 on the market.
The new operating system relieved users of the mandatory attribute of MS-DOS - entering commands through which control was carried out. Windows 1.0 was controlled by simple mouse movements and clicks in the right parts of the screen. In addition, the operating system from Microsoft contained many innovative features at that time. Scroll bars, drop-down menus, icons, dialog boxes, the ability to switch between programs without restarting each of them, all these convenient features for the average user have been equipped with the new platform. Windows 1.0 also included several additional programs to help the user in their daily activities. The emergence of a system with a convenient graphical management interface has become a real breakthrough in the development of software for personal computers.
Windows 98 is the latest version of the MS-DOS-based system.
Windows 1.0 was a graphical add-on to the MS-DOS operating system, but it was it that became the platform on which an independent system was subsequently developed, which received exactly the same name.