How To Add To Presentation

How To Add To Presentation
How To Add To Presentation

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Making presentations is a great way to make your report, presentation at a forum or seminar brighter and more accessible. However, it is customary to dilute text information with a variety of pictures, diagrams, and even add sound or video files. And here, too, there are some nuances. It is important not only to choose the right additional files, but also to add them correctly to the presentation. How can this be done?

How to add to presentation
How to add to presentation


Step 1


It is very easy to add the image you need to the presentation: "Insert - picture - pictures". Then a dialog box will appear on the right, where you can select a picture from those already available in the system according to certain parameters. If you click "from file" - you can select an image from your computer. Images from a scanner or camera are added in the same way. Or you can just open the picture in any image viewer, click "copy", then right-click on an empty space on the presentation page and click "paste."

Step 2


Here, first of all, you need to remember one rule: if you create a presentation with sound on your home computer, and you will play it all on someone else's, create a single folder where the presentation file and the sound file will be located. If this composition is not on the USB flash drive or on the computer from which the presentation will be played back, there will be no sound. The principle of adding sound to a presentation is the same: "insert - movies and sound - sound from collection" or "sound from file" (from your computer). A horn icon will appear, it is better to move it to a corner. Further, in the settings, you yourself set how it will be played. Better - automatically from the beginning of the presentation. And if you have 20 pages in your presentation, put the end of the sound after the 25th slide, so that immediately after the end of the presentation, the sound does not break off, and you could close it to the sound of the melody.

Step 3


Adding video files is also quite simple: "insert - movies and sound - movie from collection (from file)". Remember - video files make your presentation heavy and shouldn't be overused. And do not forget to clearly indicate, when clicked, it will be played, or immediately, as soon as the transition to the file occurs, indicate the playing time. Otherwise, it will turn out that you are already telling the information of another slide, and the sound from the video is still dragging on.

Step 4


And again the "insert" tab will help you: "insert - diagram". Be careful: if you do not know how to work with diagrams or are not very familiar with them, it may be difficult to create a diagram. It is better to make a diagram in advance in another program, and then insert it into the slide as a picture.

Similarly, tables are created and added to the presentation.
