In some cases, when the computer boots up, a high-pitched squeak is heard from the system unit, which is played by the system speaker (speeker). By these sounds, it is quite easy to recognize a malfunction or breakdown of one of the internal devices, including the processor.

Step 1
Computer diagnostics is performed by the number of sounded signals from the system speaker. But do not forget that the signals are supplied by the motherboard, the BIOS chips in which may be different, therefore, the number of beeps and their frequency depends on the specific model. Therefore, listen to the frequency of the signals and correlate them with the tables for each BIOS version. Below will be presented the values that refer to malfunctions of central processing units.
Step 2
Award BIOS is the most common model at the moment. When high frequency signals appear (squeak), you must turn off the computer, because this is a sure sign of some kind of malfunction, for example, a broken cooler. If the cooling system malfunctions, the processor overheats, which can lead to the loss of the stone itself. Frequent as well as alternating signals indicate only problems with the cooling system.
Step 3
AMI BIOS is the second most popular motherboard internal controller model. With this BIOS, everything is much simpler, you need to remember two key numbers - 5 and 7. When five short signals sound, you should sin on a complete malfunction of the central processor, and with seven signals - only on disruption of the virtual component of the processor.
Step 4
AST BIOS is the least widespread model among modern motherboards. For this type of BIOS, identifying a faulty device is even easier. If, when turning on the computer, you hear a periodically repeating single beep, the processor is not functioning as expected. When this sound appears, immediately turn off the computer by holding the Power button for more than 5 seconds. It is also possible to switch the toggle switch on the back of the system unit (from the side of the power supply).