Ableton Live 9 Settings

Ableton Live 9 Settings
Ableton Live 9 Settings

In Ableton Live 9 settings, you can customize the program's appearance, behavior, and audio interfaces. This window can be invoked from the options menu or by using the keyboard shortcut [CTRL +,] on Windows and [CMD +,] on Mac.

Ableton Live 9 settings window
Ableton Live 9 settings window

The settings window provides the following tabs:

  • Look / Feel - here you can set the program language, color scheme, size of interface elements (from 50% to 200% of the default size), etc.
  • Audio - here are the audio interface settings. For detailed configuration, use the built-in wizard, which can be called from the Help> Help View menu. Also here you can test the sound and load on the processor;
  • MIDI / Sync - This tab is used to recognize MIDI devices and separate them for three different purposes: playing midi notes, controlling individual parts of the interface, and synchronizing the program with an external sequencer or drum machine;
  • File / Folder - settings for folders for storing temporary files, cache size, location of plugins, etc.
  • Library - this tab allows you to specify the default location for various types of installed files, including custom libraries and samples;
  • Record / Warp / Launch - default settings for new projects, records and their components;
  • CPU - managing the load on the central processor, including setting up support for multi-core / multiprocessing;
  • Licenses / Maintenance - program license management and updates.
