Where To Insert Xlive Dll

Where To Insert Xlive Dll
Where To Insert Xlive Dll

Table of contents:


Xlive.dll is a function library file for the Microsoft X-Live Games service, which is responsible for launching an account for modern network games. Even if you are not playing online, this service is still used for data transfer. Malfunctions in its operation may cause the game to fail to start.

Where to insert xlive dll
Where to insert xlive dll


Step 1

If, when starting the game, an error related to the xlive.dll library began to appear on your screen, then for some reason this file has been transferred and cannot be found by the system or there are problems with its operation. After the corresponding message with an error code appears, you can try to replace this file or insert it into the system directory.

Step 2

Use your browser to download a sample xlive.dll file over the Internet from a popular and reliable gaming site. Go to the directory with the downloaded document. Typically, xlive.dll is located as an archive. Unpack it to any folder you like.

Step 3

Copy or cut this file by right-clicking on it and selecting the appropriate item in the context menu. Open the "Start" - "Computer" menu. In the window that appears, click on "Local drive C:". Then go to the Windows directory - system32.

Step 4

Paste the file using the right mouse button or a combination of the keyboard keys Ctrl and V. If you are using a 64-bit version of the system, you will need to copy xlive.dll into one more directory. To do this, copy the inserted file again using the right mouse button.

Step 5

Go back to the Windows folder and select the SysWOW64 directory. In the same way, insert the document into this directory and try to launch the game you need to check the result of the actions performed.

Step 6

If after the procedure the required program still does not work, you must execute the request in the system command line. Go to Start Menu - All Programs - Accessories - Command Prompt. You can also find the terminal by typing cmd in the search bar under the All Programs section.

Step 7

In the window that appears, enter the command:

regsvr32 xlive.dll

After entering the combination, press Enter. After that, try again to launch the game you need.
