Recovery of the boot sector of the file system or the Master Boot Record (MBR) in the Windows XP operating system is carried out using the Recovery Console utility (not to be confused with ASR - the automatic system recovery tool!).

Windows XP installation disc
Step 1
Insert the Windows XP installation disc into the drive and restart your computer to boot the system from the disc and install the Recovery Console.
Step 2
Follow the prompts that appear on the screen until a window appears prompting you to restore Windows using the Recovery Console and press the R key.
Step 3
Select the required operating system (if there are multiple OS installed) and enter the administrator password in the authorization window.
Step 4
Enter attrib in the command line field to change the attributes of a file or folder.
Step 5
Use the batch command input_file [output file] to execute commands in a text file.
Step 6
Use the bootcfg command to restore and configure the boot. Suggested options:
- bootcfg / add - to add a copy of Windows to the boot menu;
- bootcfg / rebuild - to view all copies of Windows with the ability to select a copy to add to the boot menu;
- bootcfg / scan - search for copies of Windows on all disks with the ability to select a copy to add to the boot menu;
- bootcfg / default - to set the default boot record;
- bootcfg / list - to display all systems in the boot list;
- bootcfg / disabledirect - to disable bootloader redirection;
- bootcfg / redirect - to enable redirection in the bootloader.
Step 7
Use the cd and chdir commands to change to a different folder.
Step 8
Use the chkdsk drive_name / p / r command, where / p is a full disk check and error correction, and / r is a bad sector search and data recovery, to check the selected disk for errors.
Step 9
Use the cls command to clear the screen.
Step 10
Use the copy source_destination command to copy files.
Step 11
Use the del and delete commands to delete files.
Step 12
Use the dirdisk: path filename command to list files and their subfolders.
Step 13
Use the disable service_name command to disable a Windows system service or driver.
Step 14
Use the enable service_name startup_type command to enable a Windows system service or driver.
Step 15
Use the exit command to close the console.
Step 16
Use the fixboot drive_name command to write the new Windows boot sector code to the system partition.
Step 17
Use the fixmbr device_name command to restore the MBR of the boot partition.
Step 18
Determine the name of the desired device using the map command.
Step 19
Do not provide a device name to restore the MBR for the boot device.
Step 20
Review the rest of the Recovery Console commands and use them as needed.