To prevent overheating of some parts of the laptop, it is recommended to clean them promptly. To do this, you need to get physical access to the parts. If your laptop has not yet reached the end of the warranty period, then it is highly not recommended to disassemble it.

- - crosshead screwdriver;
- - tweezers;
- - cotton pads;
- - alcohol solution;
- - grease.
Step 1
First download and install Everest or its equivalents. Run this utility and wait while the collection of information about the connected equipment is completed. Now open the "Sensors" menu and study the temperature readings. Make sure that the temperatures of individual devices are out of range.
Step 2
Now turn off your mobile computer. Take a powerful enough vacuum cleaner and use it to clean all the vents on your laptop. If your vacuum cleaner has an air supply function, then use it. Now turn on the mobile computer again and check the readings of the sensors. Sometimes even this simple cleaning may be enough.
Step 3
If the temperature is still higher than normal, then turn off the laptop and remove the bottom cover. To do this, unscrew all fastening screws. Before removing the cover, be sure to check that there is nothing in the way of this process. First, gently lift it up and examine the cables connecting the cover to the rest of the devices. Pry them off gently with tweezers.
Step 4
Now soak a cotton ball or cotton swab in cologne or a mild alcohol solution. Wipe down the blades of the correct fans. Make sure these devices rotate freely. If this does not happen, then disassemble the cooler. Peel off the sticker from the top. Place a small amount of grease in the opening that has been opened. Move the blades of the cooler up and down to allow the lubricant to be distributed along the axis of rotation.
Step 5
Assemble your laptop and turn it on. Launch Everest and see the sensor readings. If the temperature is still above normal, then consider replacing the coolers or purchasing a cooling pad.