A portable USB fan allows you to effectively cool your computer or laptop, while reducing the temperature of the processor, video card and other elements. To install it, you just need to connect the device via the USB connector.

Why do you need a USB fan?
Every summer, computer and laptop users complain of constant overheating of their devices. They even think to buy additional coolers for the system unit or a cooling pad for a laptop. But such options are too expensive, besides, in the case of coolers, you may also have to carry your system unit to a service center (not everyone knows how to screw a new cooler on their own).
An easier solution to this problem is to buy a device such as a USB fan. In addition, this device is more affordable, in contrast to the same built-in fans and coolers. If the fan is installed correctly, the cooling system will improve, allowing the unit to run more stable and efficiently.
What kind of USB coolers are there?
For laptop computers, i.e. laptops, special cooling systems are being developed. In fact, this is a stand with cooling elements built into it. Either multiple small fans or one large USB fan can be installed. The cooling coolers create a flow of air that flows to the bottom of the laptop, which leads to a decrease in the temperature of the processor, video card, and most importantly, the keyboard. Working with hot keys is not very pleasant.
Sometimes additional "chips" like LEDs are installed in such stands in order to obtain a more stylish appearance or glow in the dark. Additional ports can also be integrated for user convenience.
The USB fan can be used for computers too. Under heavy load, the components of the system unit become very hot, and forced cooling will help stabilize their operation. The more powerful the PC, and the more often the computer is loaded (for example, demanding games), the more it heats up. Therefore, in the summer, an additional cooler will be very useful. To connect it, the internal connector of the motherboard is used, to which you can connect a USB cooler.
In addition, such a USB fan can be installed outside. For example, in summer, a PC user is hot, and in order not to buy an expensive fan or air conditioner, you can kill two birds with one stone and purchase a USB cooler. Such fans are large enough to place it next to the computer, while the system unit will cool down and the person will feel a pleasant breeze. They have gained wide popularity among ordinary users, since they almost do not create noise, but the effect of their work is very noticeable.