Everyone remembers the good children's cartoon "Last year's snow was falling", but not everyone knows that a computer game has been made based on this cartoon, which will bring a lot of pleasure to children due to its ease of use, interesting puzzles, beautiful graphics and the ability to quickly and successfully pass all game tests. Use your mouse to control the game and use the spacebar to control your inventory. To apply an item to your hero, click on him with this item.

Step 1
At the beginning of the game, click on the bucket to get a can of canned food, take the crowbar. Then take the fish out of the jar and give it to whoever you meet. Have a beer. Go down to the woman who washes the clothes, and then go left and pick up the stone with the spear. Use an empty bottle on the island on the left, and then take out two pieces of clothing with a spear. Keep the hat for yourself, and give the second thing to the woman with the underwear.
Step 2
Take the soap and go right. Throw the hat into the bushes and use the stone to wake the wolf. Use a magic wand to make an apple out of soap, go to the next screen, take a mortar, unfold the hut and give Baba Yaga a rejuvenating apple. Take a broom and place a mortar in the corner of the hut. Climb into the stupa and push off with a broom, hit the road.
Step 3
Pick up the broom and knock on the window. After a while, knock on the window again so that the man asks for water. Go into the yard, remove the carrot from the snowman and remove the pot from the fence. Go to the hut.
Step 4
Take the tree and transfer it to the backyard to the mortar. In the hut, talk to the tenant, take the key from him and open the shed to the left of the entrance to the house. In the barn, take a sheepskin coat and burn through the hatch with a broom. At the bottom, use a magic wand to make the weight light, take it with you and put the cabbage in the saucepan.
Step 5
Give the cabbage to the tenant; take the champagne from the table. Pull the clock weight and collect the screws. In the yard, walk across the field to the hare, warm it up and give the carrot for the hare to bring a stick. Turn the weight into a hammer and hammer in the screws.
Step 6
In the next act, use your magic wand to transform into a prince. Read the sign and head right. Three crossbows should appear in the window - click on the mermaid to get one of them.
Step 7
Return to the fork and head straight. Remove the arrow from the frog skeleton and load the crossbow. Then return to the fork again and head left. On the road near the skull, put a spring, shoot at the third and first targets alternately. Hang on the bridge to rip the board off, place it on the spring and jump. Turn the levers along the wall first down, then up, then down again. Turn the first circle once, the second twice, and the third once.
Step 8
Climb up the stairs and walk across the bridge. Throw arrows at the heads of the Serpent-Gorynych, talk to Vasilisa, and then follow the road to the right of the stove. Collect the peat in the swamp with a net, make a rope out of the snake, and then dry the peat on the stone. Pick up the oars and tie them with string. Place the mast. Return to the stove, put the peat on the coals, take the pies and float away.
Step 9
Cross the high ice floe, which will approach the bridge, take the pitchfork from the stack. Go first to the right and then to the left. Take the key under the rug and then knock on the door. Pick up the rolling machine, and then go right and open the bath. Take a gang and a bag in the bath. Pour hay into the bag, drive the wolf out of the cave.
Step 10
Seeing the corpse of a cow, you fall down. Climb back up and remove the horned skull from the wall. Go downstairs and lay down the straw. Pry the logs with the horned skull, remove the pickaxe, and use the rolling machine on the semaphore. A hole will open. Go through it, pick up the bucket, and then follow the rails to the right until you see a drill. Place the bucket over your head and punch a hole. Slide the barrel, cover with a bucket and rise. Completed the game.