The games are sometimes quite difficult, and players have problems completing them. Usually, each game has a certain level-passing system, and it must be understood in order to successfully complete all tasks.

Step 1
See if there is a tutorial level or other clues in the game. Usually, most games begin with training, but the player can accidentally turn off this mode in the settings or skip it on purpose to start playing right away. Do not neglect the "tutorial", if the game turned out to be difficult, it is better to return to the beginning and master the basics well.
Step 2
Explore the controls in the game settings. In some cases, the developers provide for the use of special keys and actions to go through certain places in the levels. Adjust the controls so that it is convenient for you, otherwise you may experience difficulties with the gameplay.
Step 3
Save more often. If the game has a quick save system, it is better to memorize the gameplay immediately after passing difficult places and / or in front of them, otherwise, if you lose, you will find yourself far behind and overcome all obstacles again.
Step 4
Find video walkthroughs of the game on the Internet or on the installation disc. This will help you quickly deal with tricky areas. Also visit various forums and sites dedicated to the game. They can also describe various secrets and tips for the gameplay.
Step 5
Find out cheat codes for the game. These are special commands that are entered into the console or directly during the gameplay, and give the player various advantages, such as immortality, invisibility, high jumps, etc. If the codes are missing, try looking for trainers - small programs that need to be run at the same time as the game. They activate various tricks by pressing certain keys.
Step 6
Install periodically updates and patches for the game from the developer site. They fix all sorts of mistakes, due to which the passage of some places was very difficult or even impossible.