There are two ways to program the microcircuit. Firstly, you can make the required number of copies of an existing circuit, for this it is enough to have a programmer. You can also write a new chip using the file containing the program. This requires connecting the programmer to a computer.

- - computer;
- - microcircuit;
- - programmer.
Step 1
Use the programmer to write information into the microcircuit, for example, MELT, version 3.5 or 2.5. You can copy many ICs or program the circuit using a computer.
Step 2
Turn on the power of the programmer, then insert the microcircuit to be copied into the "Etalon" panel. Accordingly, insert the information receiving circuit into the panel with the inscription "Programmable microcircuit". Using the "Cancel" button, set the version of the flash ROM, then confirm your choice by clicking on the "Checksum" button.
Step 3
Then, using the Auto / Manual button, scroll through the operating modes until Auto appears on the indicator, then press Enter. The programmer will begin the process of erasing the microcircuit, and then writing the program to it.
Step 4
Insert the next recording chip if necessary, after the recording is complete, the process will start automatically.
Step 5
Follow the steps below to program the IC with information from a PC. Connect the computer to the programmer using a special cable, turn on the devices. In the command line, enter Mode "Enter the port number to which the device is connected" baud = 19200 parity = e data = 8 stop = 1 /. Then insert the microcircuit into the programmer, select the type of ROM using the "Cancel" button, then confirm your choice by clicking on the "Checksum" button.
Step 6
Scroll through the operating modes using the Auto / Manual button, until the display shows PC symbols, press Enter. The process of erasing the microcircuit will begin. Wait for the LJ indicator to appear, it will mean waiting for data download from the PC.
Step 7
Enter the following in the command line: Copy / b "Enter the name of the file that you want to write to the ROM" "Enter the port number to which the programming device is connected" and press Enter.
Step 8
Please note that the file size matches the size of the writeable ROM. After receiving data from the computer, the programmer will display PC. After the programming of the microcircuit is completed successfully, a checksum will appear on the indicator. If an error occurs, Err will appear on the screen.