One of the reasons for the increased noise of the system unit may be a dirty or dusty power supply fan. To clean it, you need to disassemble this part of the computer.

A little machine oil is required to lubricate the PSU fan
Step 1
Power off the computer completely. Unplug the power cord from the outlet.
Remove the left side cover of the system unit. To do this, unscrew the two screws on the back of the computer and pull the cover back and up to detach it. Disconnect the power supply wires that power the hard drives, floppy and DVD drives, the motherboard, and the processor.
Step 2
The power supply is now disconnected from the system unit. Remove the four screws from the back of the computer that secure the power supply to the chassis. Pulling the power supply inside the case - take it out of the grooves and pull it out. Try not to dust the inside of the system unit.
Step 3
After taking out the power supply, unscrew the four small screws on its case. This will remove the cover from the device. Be careful with an open power supply - the capacitors may remain charged.
Remove the four screws securing the fan. The fan can be pulled out for cleaning and lubrication. To do this, peel off the decorative sticker on the cooler and, after removing the rubber cover, drip a couple of drops of oil onto the bearing. Close the cover, dust off the power supply case and reassemble it in the reverse order.