If for some reason there is a need to remove one of the audio tracks from the movie, you can use various programs designed for video editing and sound editing. The easiest and most convenient program is VirtualDubMod.

Step 1
One of the most important advantages of the program is the removal of audio tracks without changing the quality of the movie. VirtualDubMod does not recompress the video file. In addition, the program does not load the processor, so you can run it in the background, continuing my main work. Download the program. Install it on your computer and run it. Open the video you want to make changes to. Depending on the sound format in the movie, the program may display a window with a message about the sound in the VBR format. Click No. In the Video menu item, change the movie playback format by clicking Direct stream copy. Then click the Streams button in the top menu and select the Stream list item. A window will open in which all the audio tracks present in the film will be shown.
Step 2
Highlight the audio track you want to delete. Click the Disabe button located at the bottom, in the right corner of the window. You will see that the track in the list has changed - it is now locked. The Disable button also changes the format - now it has the inscription Enable. With this button you can always unlock the track if you need it again. Click Ok.
Step 3
Open the File menu and save the file with the old name or assigning it a new one. In the process of saving the file, you will see a window with the processing mode.
Step 4
The resulting result can be listened to with any player.
Everything becomes much more complicated if you need, for example, to remove the translation, and leave only the sound of the original. Or vice versa. Such audio tracks are, as it were, merged into a single sound, in order to separate one from the other, it will be necessary to do a long and painstaking work of separating different tracks. In this case, you will need an already more serious package for sound processing, for example, CoolEdit, Sound Forge, WaveLab or any other program that you like.