A router is an important device when you need to use the Internet on several computers. It allows you to quite simply and independently configure the distribution of the Internet. It turns on in the following way.
How to turn on the router
Power supply network
Step 1
Connect the power plug to the back of the router. The connector is rounded.
Router power plug
Step 2
Connect the power plug of the router to the network. It is advisable to connect through an uninterruptible power supply or a surge protector.
Router power plug
Step 3
Turning on directly on the router. Press the power button of the router until a characteristic click is received.
Modern laptops are equipped with built-in speakers that allow you to watch movies and listen to music without connecting additional devices. Some novice users who have just purchased a laptop may face such problems: quiet or too loud sound, as well as its complete absence
The lack of reaction of the laptop to pressing the power button can be caused by a malfunction of the button itself, the motherboard, the battery, the power supply and its cords. Some of these problems can be corrected at home. Instructions Step 1 If the laptop battery is completely discharged or defective, it may appear as a malfunction of the computer itself
People who use wi fi internet often wonder about the difference between a router and a router. Manufacturers and sellers often confuse consumers by indicating different names on price tags. Therefore, it can be very difficult to understand the difference
Routers are needed to connect the Internet to multiple computers. When there is only one computer at home, you do not need to use a router. If you previously had a home network built using a router, and then, for some reason, you no longer need to connect to the Internet on other home computers, in this case the router must be turned off
If you experience any discomfort from the Windows boot sound every time you turn on your computer, you can adjust the sound scheme settings so that the computer turns on in complete silence. Instructions Step 1 The Windows operating system interface has sound schemes that you can use to control the playback of sounds for specific actions