The computer requires a serious approach. They want a lot from him, and when he starts to malfunction, it turns out that it is very difficult to get out of such an "organism". But do not think that protection from work will keep the components in order.

Preliminary remarks
Computers have become indispensable not only in the professional IT environment, but also in everyday life. Without this technique, it is already impossible to imagine the leisure of many people, especially urban residents.
"Comp" replaces the TV, is a game console, calculator, is used to calculate projects, etc. Most users use a computer for household needs, like a refrigerator or washing machine.
Meanwhile, computer technology is very capricious and needs care more than any other. But there are some peculiarities here. First of all, they lie in the difference between the computers themselves.
There are three main categories: desktops, laptops, and netbooks. The tablets can be omitted, because this is the latest technology that works on slightly different principles.
In general, each group of computers has its own nuances. For "laptops" and netbooks, they are basically the same, stationary machines stand apart here.
What happened?
Imagine a situation from which no one is immune: one day the computer starts to freeze, gets very hot, or simply does not turn on. But its owner blew away dust particles from it, let it cool down, and regularly turned it off. In short, from the point of view of this user, the machine was properly maintained.
It turns out a false start
But the computer was really serviced correctly. But, as a rule, one important point is overlooked.
We are talking about a stationary computer with a system unit. After all, we do not wonder if the same refrigerator that has been working for years will burn out. And if you turn it off, the consequences will come quickly.
The computer does not affect everyday life like that. Therefore, it seems that constant work will destroy it.
In fact, this is far from the case. The destructive factor for components is inclusion. It is at this point that the computer often breaks down.
Or it turns out something like a chain reaction, when the machine seems to be working, and then suddenly "stalls". Not permanent work in one mode, but the next turn on quickly wears out the parts.
For clarity, you can give another example - with sites. You can visit any site at any time of the day. For this, the server must be constantly running - the computer on which the site is located.
And if the site does not work, it means that the equipment is not working, or prevention is underway. Experienced computer scientists notice that there are always fewer problems when the machine is left "alone." When the computer works without interruption.
Regarding the laptop and netbook, a little different can be said. First, they need to be turned off. air exchange is less than in stationary ones and they heat up more. Secondly, when such computers are turned on, it is better that they also work longer without intermediate interruptions.