Sometimes a situation arises when you need to view some information on the Internet, while maintaining confidentiality. For such moments, there is an anonymizer - a program, an online proxy that provides transparent access to the Internet, without restrictions. Anonymizer allows you to avoid content filtering and gain access, for example, to social networks and file sharing from your work computer.

The principle of operation of this program is based on the fact that it hides the ip-address of the device from which the user visits the site. Thus, the anonymizer downloads files to its server and broadcasts them from there, that is, it seems that you are in the country where the server with the explorer program is installed. However, one should not think that the office bosses, for example, do not know about the existence of anonymizers. Therefore, at your work, access to such sites may be blocked by a filter.
Anonymizers are not only written for bored office plankton - they are used for other sensible purposes as well. For example, using an anonymizer, a user can visit a site on which the ip of your computer is blacklisted: a blog, a forum, etc.
Virtual wallets are especially popular today. Visit specialized sites performing transactions using the anonymizer. In this case, your passwords will remain intact for viruses.
It is important that the use of the program does not require special knowledge. It is enough to open the anonymizer on the Internet and enter the site address in the appropriate field. From that moment on, you are an anonymous chameleon, etc. It is noteworthy that programs for anonymous visiting sites are distributed on the Internet for free, therefore they are available to everyone right now.