The lack of access to folders in the Microsoft Windows 7 or Windows Vista operating system can be caused by a variety of reasons - from a virus attack to physical damage to the disk. The algorithm for solving the problem that has arisen remains unchanged for any reason.

Click the Start button to bring up the main menu of the Microsoft Windows 7 operating system and go to All Programs to access the selected folder using the graphical system interface (GUI). Expand the Accessories link and launch the Windows Explorer application ". Find the required folder and open its context menu by clicking the right mouse button. Specify the" Properties "item and go to the" Security "tab of the properties dialog box that opens. Press the" Advanced "button and go to the" Owner "tab of the new dialog box. Use the "Change" option and specify your account in the "Change owner to" list or select the "Administrators" group. Apply the checkbox to the "Change owner of subcontainers and objects" field and click the OK button to confirm the application of the selected changes. Return to the main menu "Start "And enter the value cmd in the search string field to perform the operation of accessing the required dim folder using the command line tool. Select the Find button and open the context menu of the found item by right-clicking. Specify the Run as administrator command and enter the value takeown / f "drive_name: path_to_selected_folder" in the command line test field for to access the desired folder using the takeown utility. Press the Enter softkey to confirm the command and enter the value icacls "drive_name: path_to_selected_folder" / username: F into the command line text box to access the desired folder using the icacls utility. Confirm the command by pressing the function press Enter and exit the command line tool.