Xiaomi Service Framework: What Is This Program And Is It Needed

Xiaomi Service Framework: What Is This Program And Is It Needed
Xiaomi Service Framework: What Is This Program And Is It Needed

In recent years, the Chinese brand of phones Xiaomi has gained popularity all over the world. Each smartphone is equipped with the Xiaomi Service Framework app, which is a significant battery drain. What is the function of this program? Does a smartphone owner need it?

Xiaomi Service Framework: what is this program and is it needed
Xiaomi Service Framework: what is this program and is it needed

How did Xiaomi phones win the hearts of millions of people?

Consumers note the quality, ease of accessibility, and a strong battery charge throughout the day. The most attractive feature when choosing a phone is the relatively low price of the product. The company also pleases consumers with a variety of models, colors and sizes of devices. Updates are released literally every six months. The company ranks sixth in the world and fourth in China in smartphone sales. Fitness bracelets, smartphones, tablets, headphones - the main list of the company's assortment.

Xiaomi Service Framework Utility

The application is systemic: it is installed on all versions of Xiaomi initially. An app is required to make the MIUI shell work. It also timely delivers notifications from third-party devices synchronized with a smartphone.


The most important and frequently used function of the application is the connection with the Mi Cloud. The utility maintains a constant connection to the Internet in the background of the phone. But a significant disadvantage of this is that the program consumes a lot of Internet traffic, which leads to a faster decrease in battery power.


How to find out how much traffic the Xiaomi Service Framework is consuming?

  1. You need to open the phone settings, go to the tab - "All applications";
  2. Find the name of the application and open it. In the menu, you can see how much of the RAM the program occupies. The traffic consumed by the utility will also be shown there. If the owner of the phone almost does not use Mi Cloud, then the traffic consumption by the application will be insignificant;
  3. If you go to the "Security" tab, then - "Traffic consumption" and "System applications", the owner can see how much energy is consumed by the utility.
  4. Even if the app is not used by the owner, the battery consumption can be very noticeable.

Do you need Xiaomi Service Framework?

Xiaomi Service Framework is a standard system software that will be necessary for those who use other gadgets of the same brand, since the program allows you to synchronize all devices. For example, it delivers sound alerts from fitness bracelets. Quite a useful thing for users, since they will not have to worry that any notifications will pass by. Even if the sound on the phone is turned off: a notification will be displayed on the fitness bracelet.

If the user does not need the application, and even more so it strongly affects the consumption of the battery, you can disable this utility.

How to disable Xiaomi Service Framework?

The program is included in the system by the manufacturer from the beginning, so you should not delete it. The action could simply cause the phone itself to malfunction. If the user does not have root rights, the following disconnection algorithm must be performed:

  1. Go to "Phone settings", then - "Battery and performance";
  2. Go to the "Power" subsection and press the "Turn on" button five times;
  3. After this procedure, you need to make the "Maximum" mode active, select the Xiaomi Service Framework program from the proposed list;
  4. Select the "Limit background activity" option.

This shutdown option will suit those smartphone owners who have not had time to update the system to MIUI 10. Otherwise, the company's security policy requirements will not allow doing this.

If this option did not help, then you can request root-rights from the manufacturer. If the owner already has them, then the TWRP application will need to be installed.

After installation, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to open the "Settings" of the phone - "About the phone". Then click on the line with the MIUI version eight times. The system will switch to the "developer" status;
  2. Enable the "USB debugging" option;
  3. If the TWRP application is already installed, download the Root Uninstaller, which will be installed in Recovery mode.
  4. Launch Root Uninstaller, select Xiaomi Service Framework and disable it.

To get root rights, the user needs to send a request to the company. This process often takes several months. And not everyone who requested gets the rights. In this case, the Xiaomi Service Framework can be optimized, i.e. adjust its operation so that the battery charge decreases more slowly.

The options are:

1) Setting the Internet traffic limit.

  • To do this, you need to open the settings of the Internet itself on the phone, go to "Data transfer" - "Tariff plan";
  • Tab - "Traffic limit", where you need to define the border of the required volume of traffic consumption;
  • When this indicator is reached, the smartphone will automatically stop data transfer immediately. At the same time, the Xiaomi Service Framework will stop working.

2) Restrict access to the application.

  1. Tab "Advanced settings" - "Privacy";
  2. Next, the user must open access to notifications and select the desired application for this;
  3. Make the state of the pointer inactive.

It so happens that the owners are not happy with the fact that the Xiaomi Service Framework has access to personal data. To do this, in the privacy settings, you can go to the "Applications with data access" tab, where you can set restrictions on their collection.


If all procedures are successful, the program will have less effect on the battery charge of the smartphone.
