Cleaning a copier on your own is a rather difficult task, and therefore, if you are not sure that you can disassemble and assemble the machine yourself, it is better to take it to a workshop. When self-cleaning, it is advisable to have a manual for the device at hand.

- -isopropyl alcohol;
- -cotton buds;
- -Xerox;
- -acetone;
- -rag.
Step 1
Make sure that it is the copier, not the cartridges. Try to replace the cartridge, if after that the print quality is restored - nothing needs to be touched. Remember that the technician constantly needs preventive procedures, which means that once a month you need to remove the roof of the device and direct a stream of compressed air into the device. There are special vacuum cleaners for technology in any computer store.
Step 2
If you nevertheless decide to clean the inside of the copier, then the optics are cleaned as follows: the printer is disassembled, then the laser unit is removed and disassembled. The actions should be performed strictly according to the instructions in the manual. It is advisable to write down the order in which you disassembled the parts so that later you can return everything to its original state. Take cotton swabs and dip the head in isopropyl alcohol. Carefully walk your wand over the mirrors and the polygon motor. Collect all the details.
Step 3
Sometimes the problem may be with the transfer shaft. It is a black round piece inside the machine. When it gets dirty, part of the sheet is usually not printed. Thoroughly clean the part with a dry cloth until the deposits are removed. If a lot of toner is stuck, you can try cleaning it with acetone. To do this, gently apply a small amount of acetone to a lint-free cloth and run it over the shaft. Sometimes it is recommended to clean the coroton (shaft) in a heated state. In this case, the machine is allowed to run, then a folded sheet of paper or a sharply sharpened eraser is passed over its surface. When cleaning the shaft, be careful not to scratch the Teflon surface. Hold the eraser or sheet of paper carefully without touching the device so as not to burn yourself.