The Quick Response Code, or QR Code, is a two-dimensional code that can be read and recognized by some cell phones and special readers. A variety of data can be encrypted in it. In particular, translation of texts of famous works of art into QR codes has become especially popular.

If you want to translate a work into a QR code, first select a program that helps encrypt the data. As a rule, such programs and Internet services are designed to work quickly with data, i.e. allow you to translate text into code in one click. They are often free to use. The choice of the most suitable program depends on your preference.
Next, you need to decide what kind of work you want to encrypt. For a start, it is recommended to choose not too voluminous texts, since it can take a long time to translate them into a QR code. The fact is that the maximum capacity of an alphanumeric QR code is only 4296 characters, but even such a code can only be decoded by some readers.
The next step is to split the entire piece of art into small chunks of text, each of which will need to be encrypted separately. Choose small text fragments, being careful not to reach the maximum number of characters. A particular difficulty in translating a work in this case is that the more information the code contains, the more it will be. This means that if you are worried about the aesthetic side of the issue and want to make all QR codes the same size, you will have to divide the work into approximately equal parts.
When you have finished dividing the text, encrypt each passage and arrange the resulting codes in order. As a result, you will find a work completely translated into a QR code. The final touch may be its design processing. This means that if you want to design the encrypted text in an original way, you can slightly change the appearance of the QR code without changing the location of the lines and shapes on it. The easiest option is to paint the squares in different colors. It doesn't matter which shades you choose. The main thing is that they contrast with the white background.
When finished, be sure to scan and decipher each code using a special device or program. This will allow you to determine if any errors have occurred, and if so, fix them.