Many users, entering a computer hardware store, are lost in a huge assortment of goods. That is why it is recommended to choose a home computer long before going to the store.

Step 1
Initially, clearly state for yourself the purpose of purchasing a computer. This is probably the most important stage, because the characteristics of the future home computer completely depend on it.
Step 2
Start with the processor. For most people, the bulk of its characteristics say nothing. Pay attention to the number of cores and the clock speed of each of them. Do not purchase the "newest" processor model. In most cases, a processor with two or three cores will be quite enough, the frequency of each of which fluctuates in the range of 2.5-3 GHz.
Step 3
Decide on the type and amount of RAM. If you do not plan to work with any super-heavy applications, such as powerful building programs and video editors, then the maximum amount of RAM required is 4 GB.
Step 4
Select your graphics card. In this case, everything depends on the purpose of the computer. If your goal is to browse the Internet, work with text editors and sometimes run video files, then a video card with 512 MB of memory will be enough for you. Otherwise, select a video adapter with more than 1 GB of memory.
Step 5
It remains to select a hard drive. Do not pay attention only to its volume. First, find out how it is connected to your computer. Better to choose SATA drives. Secondly, check the speed of his work. As for the volume, 500 GB will be more than enough for the average user.
Step 6
Find the ideal power ratio for all of the above devices. Remember that it is not recommended to purchase a computer with a powerful processor and a small amount of RAM.
Step 7
If you need to save space, then get a candy bar (monitor and system unit in one case). The disadvantage of such computers is the difficulty of replacing some devices. There is only one obvious plus - no need to purchase a monitor.