If you have ever encountered and worked with an antivirus from Symantec, you know that this product is a harmful antivirus. When making an attempt to uninstall this application, you will be required to enter the password that was specified during registration. Let's consider this situation, you come to the person who asked you to remove this product or you are hired as a system administrator, and here is such a problem. It turns out that Kaspersky Anti-Virus will help you get rid of torn hair from your head.
Kaspersky Internet Security software, Regedit registry editor
Step 1
With the help of the antivirus complex, which can be downloaded from the official website kaspersky.ru, our antivirus can be easily removed. You just need to start the installation of Kaspersky Internet Security, when the first scan of startup objects and RAM, it will display a list of "Unwanted software". Our old antivirus will be on this list. The product from Kaspersky Lab will remove unnecessary antivirus even without asking for a password. Then you can uninstall the antivirus if you want to install a third-party antivirus.
Step 2
A more complex recipe for uninstalling an antivirus is to edit registry keys. Use a standard registry editor. To run it, click the Start menu, then click Run, type Regedit and click OK.
Step 3
In the window that opens, go to the following path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREINTELLANDeskVirusProtect6CurrentVersionAdministrator OnlySecurity. Double-click the useVPuninstallpassword key, change its value from 1 to 0. Click OK and close the registry editor. Try to uninstall the antivirus program again, if it fails, restart your computer.