Real-time communication via the Internet has become the norm. Many users communicate with friends on ICQ, discuss all kinds of topics in chats, talk with family and friends via Skype or play with each other in on-line games. But technical progress every day improves communication services, bringing them to an unprecedented level.

Dedicated channels, which not so long ago only large companies could afford, are becoming available to most users. This is also facilitated by the possibility of purchasing a good desktop or laptop, which leads to the comprehension and understanding that communication via typing text messages is a relic of the past.
Today, “live” communication is becoming commonplace in the daily life of an Internet user. The point is that during communication using the Internet, you can not only hear the interlocutor, but also see him. All kinds of communication programs such as Skype and ICQ enable the interlocutors to visualize each other, attracting more and more new users.
To become a full-fledged "live" interlocutor, you need to choose a camera for Skype or ICQ. Since communication takes place on the Internet, a webcam is required. Naturally, the higher the quality of the camera, the greater the pleasure of communication will be. Modern laptops are sold with a built-in webcam of a fairly high level, so if you have one, then there are fewer problems.
The owner of a personal computer for communication "live" cannot do without a webcam. Alternatively, you can consider buying a monitor with a built-in webcam. But this option is possible only when replacing the monitor, for example, with a larger monitor, or instead of an old one, i.e. this event does not occur often.
Good technology is expensive. It is clear that each of us is looking for a middle ground, guided by our own rules, approaching the choice from the standpoint of "price-quality". With life experience, you can purchase the required equipment, but when you need to choose a camera for Skype for the first time, without paying too high a price for unnecessary functions, you will need to know several rules (recommendations).
The minimum resolution for video that will be broadcast over the Internet should be 640 by 480 dpi. This is an optimal ratio for a webcam, since a higher resolution will put an additional load on the computer's processor. Such a parameter as the number of frames per second informs the buyer about the recording and broadcasting speed of the video. Standard video is 30 frames per second, but it all depends on the bandwidth of the Internet connection established by the provider and the characteristics of the servers.
In addition, web cameras are equipped with many additional functions, for example, they have an autofocus system, a night view function, etc. All of this may not be required to communicate using Skype. But it is worth worrying about the built-in microphone in the web-camera, otherwise the interlocutor will only see you, but will not be able to hear.