SSDs are a relatively new kind of storage device. The difference from HDD is that SSD disks are capable of recording and processing data several tens of times faster. How to choose an SSD drive and what points should you pay attention to?

Key pros and cons of SSD drives
An interesting feature of SSD drives is that the technologies for their creation and the models themselves have changed a lot. If you take the 2012 HDD with new models and do the same with SSD models, you can see that HDDs have not changed constructively over the years, and SSDs have literally made a revolution.
When choosing an SSD drive, it is necessary to highlight several features, advantages and disadvantages of these components for PCs and laptops.
- If we compare SSD with HDD, then the former are resistant to vibration and mechanical damage. This is explained by the fact that there are no moving parts in the SSD.
- SSDs are quiet due to their design.
- The speed of writing and reading data is much higher than that of an HDD, and can be compared with the speeds of a PC's RAM.
- Both write and read times do not decrease due to fragmentation.
- SSD does not require defragmentation.
- Compactness.
- Low energy consumption.
- Limitations on the number of cycles. On average, an SSD drive has only 5 thousand data rewriting cycles, so the average lifespan is about 8-12 years. However, there is always a risk that the SSD drive will "order a long time" in 2-3 years. True, only outdated models have such a drawback.
- After completing the allowed number of write cycles, the SSD can be used to read data, but not write.
- Comparatively high cost. A good 1TB HDD and a good 120GB SSD will cost about the same.
- The new models based on the RAM architecture do not have such a disadvantage, but this will again affect the cost.
- Susceptibility to network congestion. In the event that voltage drops very often occur in an apartment or house, then the user has a risk of losing his SSD drive.
It is also important to know how expensive and cheap models differ.

What is the difference between models of different cost
Many users at least once when buying storage media have come across a situation - there are several SSD drives with the same volume, with approximately similar read and write characteristics, but with a giant gap between prices. Does it make sense to overpay or is it better to review ssd drives for a computer and determine what to look at?
In fact, it is best to overpay, because the difference between such discs lies in the manufacturer and his approach to the production of components. Cheap SSDs, with good read and speed performance, lose in stability and security.
Therefore, seeing the difference only between the price, you should pay attention to the following characteristics (some of them may not be indicated, so the Internet may be needed when comparing):
- Memory chip. The cheaper the memory chip, the lower the write and read speed will be. This also affects the overall reliability score.
- Controllers. They are used to control the processes of writing and reading information. Budget controllers can give their first failures for several years, which can be seen from a decrease in the speed of writing and reading data.
- Clipboard. This is a very important component in the overall performance and responsiveness of an SSD. Usually, a DDR3 or DDR4 module acts as a clipboard (depending on the cost of the model). However, in some budget versions, such a module may not exist at all.
- Capacitors. Another important component that affects the reliability of data on disk.
- SSD build quality. Here, too, everything is clear - usually cheap SSDs will not last long due to poor assembly. In the store, the build quality, of course, is not indicated, but the cost most often speaks for itself.
- Warranty. SSDs made by little-known Chinese brands do not offer any warranty in most cases. That is, absolutely none - even a few months. This is especially true when a person buys SSD drives from an online store. Naturally, it will be very difficult to return the goods in case of need.
Based on all these indicators, it should be borne in mind that it is best not to skimp on the purchase of such an important accessory as an SSD. However, if you need to save money, then only in those cases when there is confidence in a high-quality assembly using high-quality components. And if there is no knowledge, then it is better to trust well-known companies or study reviews on the relevant Internet resources.

Several recommendations for choosing a volume
The higher the SSD capacity, the higher the cost. If your budget is tight, there are a few guidelines to keep in mind:
- regardless of the budget, an SSD drive should not be less than 60 gigabytes, since the operating system will not only take up most of its space, but will also grow. Better to wait a little and save up;
- if you need to ensure fast operation of the operating system and some office applications, you can buy a disk with a volume of 60 to 120 gigabytes;
- when using 3D, video or graphic editors, it makes sense to take a 120 GB SSD disk;
- those who like to play can buy a 256 GB disc, but this will have to spend an impressive amount of money.
Experienced users recommend using a pair of components such as a 120GB SSD and a 1-4TB HDD. This combination of devices for reading and storing data can be called relatively budgetary and the most optimal for most users.
At the same time, the operating system and software will be located on the SSD, which allows for a good level of responsiveness, as well as excellent information processing speed. As for user files and games, they will all be stored on the HDD. There is no need to worry about the performance of games - as practice shows, the performance gain of games on an SSD compared to games on an HDD will be noticeable, but not very large.

Recommended manufacturing companies
When thinking about which solid state drive is best, the user can turn to brands for help if there is not enough experience. Analyzing which SSD is better for a laptop or computer, several companies can be distinguished. It is their products that you should pay attention to in the first place:
- The best models are created by Samsung and Intel, but here the quality greatly affects the cost. Intel products are reliable, and Samsung products are inexpensive compared to Intel. This is due to the fact that Intel focuses on reliability, while Samsung does everything according to other standards.
- Cheaper drives are the brainchild of companies such as SanDisk, Plixtor, and Crucial. These companies are well suited for those who handle data professionally (video, graphics, 3D, etc.). Also SSDs from these companies are suitable for those who play demanding games.
- A-Data and Corsair have shown themselves well in this market. Of course, their reliability and performance are lower, but they are also more affordable in terms of cost.
And that's all, other companies (except Kingston, if the SSD belongs to the HyperX line) should not be considered reliable. And the point is not that their products are worse, but that these companies have a fairly high percentage of defective SSDs.

Instead of a conclusion
When choosing a high-quality and meeting the requirements of an SSD, it is necessary to consider not only the manufacturer, but also pay attention to those characteristics that will determine the quality of reading and writing, as well as the level of reliability of the device. And, if possible, it will be useful to watch a review or read reviews before buying an SSD drive.