It's no secret that many of us spend much more than the recommended 4 hours a day at the computer. And they pay off with fatigue, redness, discomfort, and even deterioration of vision. Let's take a quick look at free programs that can help you preserve precious eyesight.

1. F.lux
The program changes the color gamut of the monitor depending on the lighting and time of day. In fact, changes in color scale are only visible in the evening - when there is little daylight. The peculiarity of this program is unobtrusiveness. You just don't notice its effect, but in my subjective opinion, working in the evening has become more comfortable. Only an English interface and a minimum of settings, and the defaults are usually optimal. There is a version for Mac, Linux, iPhone / iPad
2. Eyeleo
The program has not been updated since 2011, however it has gained some popularity. The essence of the program is that it darkens the screen at specified intervals and offers to do one random simple exercise for 10 seconds. The exercises are quite simple - eye movements up and down, rotation, looking out the window, blinking, etc. English interface, works only under Windows.
3. Workrave
The program with a funny sheep contains exercises not only for the eyes, but also to warm up the body. It has a lot more settings. You can customize the intervals and duration for mini rests, breaks and set a daily limit. There is also a view of history and statistics, possibly for strict parents. Works under Windows and Linux.
4. Eye Defender
A very simple program: a break is taken at predetermined intervals. You can set the interval and duration of the break, as well as what will be shown on the screen at this time: a set of pictures from a folder (you can add your own), a standard screen saver, a series of special exercises, or just a pop-up message about the need to pause. English interface, works only under Windows.
5. Relax with Three-Z
Also a very simple and concise program with a minimum of settings: interval and duration of the break (at least 3 minutes), the level of transparency of the window. During the break, it is proposed to do some simple exercises to relax the eye muscles. The program has a Russian interface, it works only under Windows.
You can find other eye relaxation programs, both free and paid. The main thing is that one of these programs is installed on your computer and protects your eyesight.