One of the central elements of most modern MMORPGs is the clan system. In MMO games, the clan acts as the main form of organization of the in-game community. As a rule, a clan has certain tasks and a sphere of influence. Strong and numerous clans compete with each other, waging protracted wars, consisting of exciting and spectacular duels. Playing in a strong clan is very interesting. That is why most players want to get into strong communities, and novice leaders are wondering how to promote a clan and make it strong.

It is necessary
- - any browser;
- - access to the Internet.
Step 1
Create clan attributes. Design a unique logo. It is advisable to image the emblem in several resolutions: for placement as a clan site logo, for posting in signatures on forums, for in-game use, if this is allowed by the client and server software of the game. Come up with an original, resonant slogan that attracts attention. Come up with a short catchy slogan to use in the game.
Step 2
Develop a clan charter. He must clearly regulate game issues, such as the distribution of looted items, attitude towards one-sided opponents, neutral players, the amount and procedure for paying taxes, if any, the order of issuing items to group leaders from the clan storage. The charter must equally take into account the interests of all members of the clan.
Step 3
Create a clan site. Place basic information about the clan and its charter on it. Publish the latest clan news on the website. Fill your site with interesting gaming content to grab the attention of your visitors. You can create a website on your own hosting using any popular CMS like Drupal or Joomla. You can also use the capabilities of specialized services, for example,
Step 4
Create a clan forum. Create an open section on the forum for posting applications for joining the clan, as well as a section for diplomatic interactions. In the section for applications, publish the clan charter. Create a private section for communication between clan members.
Step 5
Promote your clan in the game. If possible, set the designed clan emblem as an in-game clan badge. Periodically send information about the clan to the in-game chat. In your messages, include a link to the clan's website and forum. Ask clan members to put the clan website address in their character titles. If the characters in the game have access to the trading mode, if there is free time, switch the character to the mode of selling items, indicating in the description the address of the site or forum of the clan.
Step 6
Promote the clan on the sites and forums of game resources. There are large Russian-language gaming forums, for example, As a rule, they contain sections of the players' communities of most popular online games. Create topics with a description of the clan in the appropriate sections of the forums of gaming communities. Create topics with announcements of recruitment to the clan, topics with news and descriptions of the achievements of the clan. Ask clan members who communicate on such resources to put information about the clan in their signature. It's good if the signature contains a link to the clan website and its emblem.