The ROM (Read Only Memory) chip contains a BIOS program (Basic Input / Output System), which, after turning on the computer, checks all the controllers on the motherboard. If the test is successful, control of the computer is transferred to the operating system.

Step 1
However, it may happen that after installing new devices or programs, Windows does not load. In this case, additional boot modes are used, including "Safe Mode with Command Line Support".
Step 2
Restart your computer and press the F8 key after the initial POST (Device Self-Test) scan polls the hardware. One short "beep" will signal the successful completion of the test if the speaker is connected to the motherboard. The system will offer you a menu for choosing boot options. Use the "Up" and "Down" control keys to highlight the desired item and press Enter.
Step 3
The command line provides direct interaction between the user and the operating system, bypassing the Windows window interface. Enter the systeminfo command to get detailed information about the system and network connections of the computer.
Step 4
If you have problems loading Windows due to file system errors, you can use the chkdsk command c: / f / r to restore it, where c: is the name of the system drive. The / f switch corrects errors, the / r switch marks bad sectors and restores readable data.
Step 5
To check only the filesystem, use the chkntfs c command: For a complete list of programs, type help.
Step 6
The keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V do not work on the command line. If you need to copy part of the code and paste it somewhere else, right-click on the blue box at the top of the console window and select the "Edit" option, then "Mark".
Step 7
Select the required part of the text with the mouse and mark "Copy". Then, in the desired place in the window, right-click and select "Paste." To rerun any command, use the Up and Down navigation keys to highlight it and press Enter.