In ancient languages (Latin, Greek, Slavic), not specially created symbols were used to write numbers, but letters of the alphabet. They, as a rule, did not differ from abbreviations and words, but sometimes special decorations were added to them. Roman numerals do not have such decorations.

Step 1
To designate a unit in the system of Roman numerals, the capital letter "I" is used (read "I", analogue in English - "Ai"). Numbers 2 and 3 are designated by the corresponding number of letters “I”: II, III. Numbers are written without quotes.
Step 2
The number 5 is denoted by the Latin letter “V”. The number 4 is designated as a combination of letters: IV. Otherwise, you can read this number like this: one less than five. Numbers from six to eight are depicted as the letter “V” and the corresponding number of “I” to the right (from one to three).
Step 3
The ten is designated by the letter “X”. Nine is obtained by attributing the letter “I” to the left. From eleven to nineteen numbers are written in the same way as in the first ten, but the letter "X" is assigned to the left.
Step 4
The number 50 is designated by the number “L”. By adding an “X” to the left or right, you get 40 or 60, respectively. Additional Xs on the right give the numbers 70 and 80.
Step 5
Hundreds to three hundred are designated by the letter “C”, five hundred - by “D”. By attributing the letter denoting the lower digit to the left or right, you will get a number one, ten, one hundred less or more, respectively.
Step 6
A thousand is designated by the letter “M”. A double or triple repetition of letters denotes the corresponding number of thousands. For example, 2011 will be designated as MMXI.
Step 7
A complete list of numbers and their corresponding letter combinations is presented in the illustration. Use the appropriate letters of the Latin alphabet for numbers.