The monitor, mouse and keyboard are the main tools for working with a computer. Therefore, any failure with one of these components will result in a dramatic decrease in performance. So why might the keyboard not work?

The most likely causes of problems with the computer keyboard can be: - contact failure; - keyboard blocking with a lock on the system unit; - incorrect position of the XT / AT switch; - hardware problems Mechanical breakdown of contact can be caused by both worn-out parts and user negligence, but can be easily corrected by visual inspection and reconnection. Accidental or deliberate use of the lock located on the front panel of the system unit can lead to the inability to use the keyboard and display the message Keyboard is locked … Unlock it. Use the included key to set the switch to the Open position to eliminate the keyboard inability to use. Make sure the switch on the bottom of the keyboard is set to the correct position for the computer you are using, as keyboards for IBM PC / AT computers cannot work with IBM PC / XT. Disassemble and clean the keyboard if you experience sticky keys. This problem may be the result of mechanical pollution and must be corrected to eliminate the possibility of autogenous characters when entering text. Restart the computer if a software problem occurs with the keyboard. Alternatively, click the "Start" button and go to "Control Panel". Select the "System" section and call the context menu of the selected element by right-clicking. Select the "Properties" item and go to the "Hardware" tab. Select the item "Device Manager" and define your keyboard in the dialog box that opens. Use the "Delete" command and confirm your choice by clicking OK in the system request window. Exit the dispatcher and return to the System Properties menu. Go to the Hardware Installation tab and confirm the operation by clicking Next in the dialog box of the installation wizard that opens. Wait for the Num Lock indicator to turn on and close all open windows.