Any user knows about the importance of protecting his computer from various infections. The Internet is replete with viruses, Trojans, worms and banner ads. As soon as a malicious program enters your computer, it starts to work unstable, errors fly out, programs freeze. There is hardly a user who will like it. Therefore, computer security comes first.

Step 1
Special software has been created to protect your computer. We are talking about antivirus programs and firewalls. An antivirus program is designed to scan your computer for malicious software. When scanning all files on your computer, the program performs one of the actions when it detects viruses. It can skip this object at your request, cure or delete it.
Step 2
When choosing an antivirus, you need to be guided by your own experience. If it is not, then this is a perfect occasion for recruiting it. Different opinions and reviews on internet forums and blogs can only confuse you. Remember how many people have so many opinions. Each has its own separate situation, in which one antivirus can cope, and the other cannot. The most common anti-virus programs are NOD 32, Kaspersky Anti-Virus, AVAST, Dr. Web. When purchasing and installing the application, do not forget to activate it.
Step 3
If you have the Internet or a local network, then you cannot do without a firewall. This program is designed to block intrusion into your computer using remote access. Modern scammers use Trojans and programs for remote access in order to obtain confidential data on your computer or even control it, so it is necessary to have a protective firewall. Today, the service market provides a huge amount of software that performs these functions. The most popular brand is Outpost Firewall.
Step 4
It is also desirable to have an additional set of tools to combat viruses and Trojans. Install two or three virus and worm scanners. They can notice those programs with malicious code that antiviruses cannot see. Use basic safety rules. Do not download files from suspicious sites, do not follow the proposed links.