What To Do If The Disc Cannot Be Read

What To Do If The Disc Cannot Be Read
What To Do If The Disc Cannot Be Read

A modern CD or DVD can survive an earthquake, submersion in water, significant levels of radiation, but one small scratch will negate all your efforts to build a large database. But such troubles can be overcome.

CD broken, ordinary
CD broken, ordinary

Compact discs have been around since the second half of the twentieth century. The first DVD discs appeared in those days. The latest BlueRay and HD formats are also recorded on plain-looking blanks. They differ only in size, that is, in the amount of information that can be recorded on them. However, one small scratch and … you can throw away the fruits of long labors for collecting films, music, books or programs. On the other hand, every user should have a few useful tricks in their arsenal.

Sleight of hand and no fraud (C)

There are several ways, if not to restore the full readability of the disk, then at least "pull out" the maximum of useful information. For example, you can use the BadCopy Pro program. It allows you to recover data from various media, including CDs. Conveniently, it works quickly and can work with different types of files. The interface is intuitive, accessible even to complete beginners. And the easy-to-use "Wizard" will guide everyone through several steps of data recovery. The latest version of the program is 3.76.

Frostbitten disc

This method sometimes helps if your home has such a miracle of technology as a refrigerator. You can put the disc in the freezer for about a quarter of an hour. From a physical point of view, scratches will decrease with cooling and the data will be readable. The only inconvenience is that the data must be "thrown" to the hard disk as soon as possible, since the CD or DVD heats up quickly and loses its readability.

If you do not grease it, you will not read it

Another interesting way to read discs is to use ordinary brilliant green. You need to take this common drug, a cotton swab and apply the substance to the largest scratches on the disc. It is not known exactly how this method works, but more than one generation of users has been convinced of its effectiveness.

We brush our teeth to the disc

Interestingly, sometimes a regular toothpaste, a soft-bristled brush and a little perseverance work wonders. If you gently sand the surface of a disc, it is likely to remove the most obvious scratches and make it readable. The main thing is to use a non-whitening paste, because it contains too coarse abrasive and a soft toothbrush. Of course, the method will take some time and patience, but the result may surprise you.

If all of the above methods, both software and non-traditional, did not help, the disc can be glued to the wall or cabinet and make a beautiful mosaic.
