Choosing a laptop gives you the freedom to use your computer on the road or near your home, rather than confining you to the same room. To choose the right one, you need to determine for what purpose you are going to use it. Let's say this is a laptop for chatting on social networks, checking email, or just searching the Internet for the necessary information.

Step 1
Pay attention to the weight of the product - not always massive laptops can be more productive. The ideal weight for a laptop that you want to use outside the home is 1-2 kg. However, the less weight, the smaller the screen diagonal will probably be (on average 10-11 inches). For fans of large screens, you will have to rely on models weighing 2 kg or more.
Step 2
It is necessary to consider what programs you will be using. If only with an Internet browser and e-mail, then a laptop with 1024 MB RAM is suitable for you. However, if you add a few more concurrently running programs to this list (for example, programs of the Microsoft Office package, Skype or Photoshop), then the RAM of your laptop should be at least 2048 MB.
Step 3
The total size of the hard drive is important. If you are going to store voluminous information (photos, videos) on it, then the amount of memory must be at least 320 GB. This is especially true for family laptop use.
Step 4
An important enough condition for the efficiency of your laptop is its autonomous operation. If you are going to go on a trip with it, then the longer your laptop can work without being connected to an outlet, the longer it will be able to delight you on the trip. The optimal laptop battery life for people planning to work on the road is from 5 hours. Those. ideally, it's best to find a laptop with the maximum battery capacity.
Step 5
For users who like to use wireless Internet, Wi-Fi is required, for those who are used to connecting various devices to a laptop, built-in Bluetooth is required. Other options that you are used to using can also be found in the range of laptops.
Step 6
Naturally, all of the above criteria directly affect the price of a laptop. And be sure to read the reviews about the models, because expensive laptops are not always productive and high-quality, if you need a computer exclusively for the Internet, a budget model may well be suitable.